Sunday, August 11, 2013


Wow.. 10 days already!? Crazy . . .
This week was very fun (:
The Indian kid that was living with us made all of us some Indian food. We were all so excited and we had a few friends over to try it.. I am usually a very picky eater, and this kid had never cooked before, but everything was so DELICIOUS!!! We all loved it (: Then, we played 'around-the-world' ping-pong. Germans call it 'Chinesisch'--- translated: The Chinese Way. Which, i thought was pretty funny (: We also went to a fire that night with some of my host sister's friends. That was fun! The marshmallows here come in all shapes and sizes and we also had dough that we cooked on sticks!!! I had never done this before so i thought it was way cool (: sooo yummy! I suggest you try it if you haven't!
Mara, my host sister, took me to Fulda where we rode down a mountain on a scooter-type thing. If you have ever been down the alpine slide/rollercoaster in Park City (Utah), you kinda know what I'm talking about! Except, this one is 10 times better cuz of the beautiful view and the longer ride (:
This week I started language camp! I'm finally learning and retaining German!!! It's been really good and actually pretty fun! I also received my Permanent Host Family!!!!! I will be living right outside of Hanover and I'm very excited to meet my family and start school in two weeks!
Genau. Genau means 'exactly' or 'correctly'. This is the MOST fun word to say in German! I first heard it from my teacher.. whenever we say something right, she says 'Genau' .. You can use it for pretty much anything! I love it so much, and right now, this is my favorite german word (: I'm sure the list will grow tho!
Mara and I had some really great... adventures?... this week. We went to rent a movie one night.. and, we forgot our IDs, so we had to drive back and grab those. We then found out you have to be eighteen to even be inside the store, so I was breaking the law being in there :P ...not my fault..the sign should be in english, am i right? We then went down the street to the movie theater and picked up some popcorn(: The popcorn here is NOT buttery :/ at first i was disappointed, but the sweet honey taste is hard to turn down (: turns out I may like it more than the butter popcorn! We also went biking up to a castle in Fulda! I had no clue how far 15 kilometers was, but I think it was a lot further than i imagined, plus up hill... plus, i had not ridden a bike for.. maybe, 8 years? Haha, I think i did pretty good tho! Only a few hours later, Mara and I were playing Fußball with 11 men (including my host father).. we played for two hours and by the time we were done, I was so exhausted!!! This was the first time since my Heart Surgery I had played an actual game of soccer (: It was so fun and reminded me how much i love it!!
Kniffel. Just like dice yahtzee, but seems a lot more fun (: this is the game I play with Mara and her dad when we are bored or right before we go to bed! I love it cuz i get better and better each time! The last two times we've played, I have won!
Mara had a barbecue at our house and that was a lot of fun! I met a few girls and got to talk to some of them! The barbecue was a lot different than an american barbecue(: but what isn't different here??
I also met my host mother this week (: She's so awesome, and she loves to hike! It was fun to sit and talk with her about all of her adventures! She took me shopping in Fulda, and since we both hate shopping and wanted to get done quickly, it was pretty fun and we had plenty to do and talk about (: She is so sweet and she's been doing my laundry and takes really good care of me! Makes me feel right at home (:
This week I rode the bus to school and back, and I have been figuring out my way around. I think I feel a little too cool when i walk down the street, looking like a local (at least i think i look like a local) haha
all in all, this week was very good (: My journey is just beginning, and I hope to continue to retain German. (:
Until next week... (:

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